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  Spell Library, Book Two

  Eva Delaney

  Copyright © 2020 by Eva Delaney

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32


  Lupine by Hanleigh Bradley

  Also by Eva Delaney


  Please review

  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  I knew someone was hunting me because of the dildos.

  That’s why I walked to my sex shop with the Scourge Stone, a rare and powerful relic, embedded in a butt plug nestled between my cheeks. A thong’s tight ass strap and my equally tight asshole held it in place.

  It’s not like I enjoyed walking around with a plug in my ass…well, I did at first, but not for the entire walk. It became itchy halfway to my store.

  But no one would find it there. Whoever was following might check my pockets if they cornered me or knocked me out. They wouldn’t finger my ass crack, though. And keeping the Stone hidden mattered more than my anal integrity. Which had fled years ago, anyway. This wasn’t my first butt fucking in public. At least no one else knew about it this time.

  The windows of my store, The Magical Rooster, gleamed in the bright, early sunlight. It looked normal. Safe. Except for my security dildos. Even from across the street, I heard the cocks that flew above the door scream their intruder warnings. They shrieked like banshees and sent non-stop texts to my phone that read, “Aaahhhhhhh.”

  Through the window, I watched the blue one—I called him Inigo Rodtoya, you killed his peace, prepare to die—flash a laser beam across the shop floor, searing the tiles.

  The ornate glass dildos in my window trembled like dicks about to come. They barely contained the urge to explode shards of glass into an enemy.

  I glanced around at the street and town. A few familiar shopkeepers were opening up, and Mike the yeti zoomed past on his pink bike like he did every morning. It was all normal for a morning in Silver Springs.

  Too normal. A bunch of witches had attacked Violet a week ago, and I had a terrible feeling they were part of the gang that was after me.

  I kept my pace steady as I crossed the street. Taking a deep breath, I cracked open the gates that dammed my magic and let a trickle flow into my blood. Even that little rush of it warmed my body like strong rum and made my palms tingle as though I had rubbed them together.

  My heart flared with fresh fire, and I felt like I could dance while I burned the world around me.

  Ahhhh, I had missed it.

  I strolled to The Magical Rooster and pulled the key from my pocket. Every hair on my body stood on end. My neck and spine flared with fire like a sunburn; it was my magic’s warning that danger was near.

  Whirling, I dropped to a crouch. A flash of purple and black—a curse sure as the itch in my ass from that plug—burst overhead. The air itself coalesced into glass and shattered, raining down shrapnel. I leaped to the side out of its range, the movement making my ass itch even more.

  God damn it, ass. Cooperate with hiding powerful relics that can fuck up the entire world! Do your part and take one for the team.

  I turned to face the attacking witch. She whirled in a complex pattern, her arms slicing through the air. The purple and black energy of her curses flew at me like twin whips.

  Now I knew why I hadn’t seen her coming. I’d recognize that short blue hair, the graceful dance of death, those eyes smiling with joy.

  Azea from my old gang. Invisibility even from magic was her specialty. If the rest of the gang knew where I was, I was fucked, and not just from a magical object stretching my butthole.

  I raised a forearm, my magic flaring purple and green and dark blue around it. “Coiscin.”

  The flames around my arm shot up toward the sky and down to the ground, forming a barrier. Her curse slammed into it and shattered.

  Crouching, I pressed my other palm to the interlocking bricks in front of my shop. “Sfarama…” The rest of the spell fell from my lips without thought. I didn’t have to remember the spells. I just had to hit that flow state and they burned in my blood and flew through the world like wind.

  The bricks between me and Azea cracked as though from an earthquake, but the ground remained still. Each crack glowed purple and black from my curse. My focus was partly in my body, one arm holding a magic shield against Azea’s curses. The rest snaked through the stones, forcing them to break for me. When I reached the other witch, she’d break too.

  Azea’s swept her arms downward. Her tendrils of purple dove into the ground and whipped against my magic. It felt like she lasered me across the face.

  “Fuck,” I muttered. She was more skilled than the last time we had dueled. Of course, we hadn’t been trying to kill each other then.

  I pushed back against her curse, and a new magic flared to life. Magic behind me. Magic that came with a burning itch I couldn’t scratch in polite company. Yes, though we were trying to murder each other, this was still polite company. Azea had been a friend once.

  The new magic was different—foreign but familiar, like the touch of an ex you hadn’t fucked in a while. It flowed from my ass, up my crack, and raced along my spine. I grunted. This had to be the Scourge Stone. I had never used it before, not in four years of possessing it, and wasn’t sure what the fuck it was doing.

  When the foreign magic hit the back of my neck and skull, a new spell poured from my lips. It was made of strange words that felt odd in my mouth, like trying to suck a deformed dick (not that I had…okay, I had. A few times). But I’m a pro, magic and cock-wise, so I spoke the new words clearly.

  The Stone’s magic snaked down my arm to the hand pressed against the ground. It flowed like water through the cracks in the stone, and over Azea’s curses as though they weren’t even there. It climbed over her feet, crawled up her ankles, her legs.

  “What the fuck?” she said.

  The Scourge Stone flared. My ass felt red hot, and my awareness tangled with the new magic as though in a blender. Together, the Stone and I wrapped Azea as though in a latex bondage suit. We yanked, like trying to pull a bondage suit over your thighs.

  Something inside Azea shattered like bones. White and purple energy like colored dust on the wind blew across the sidewalk and flowed behind me.

  The butt plug shifted. It grew wider, hotter, and then settled back to its usual size and body temperature. The strange touch of the Scourge Stone’s magic faded from my blood.

  Azea dropped to her knees on the pavement. She stared at me with watery eyes. “What did you do to me, Juniper?”

  “Stole your magic, of course.” It was the only thing the S
courge Stone did. That was why Azea and her boss, Ram, could never have it.

  I stood. With a muttered word and a flick of my fingers, the shop door flew open and a length of rope snaked out. It was one of my bestselling sex toys. A magical rope that tied and untied your lover with two words—one of consent from the sub and one of command from the dom. It also made wonderful security, though my battle versions didn’t require a word of consent. That was why I never sold them.

  The rope tied itself around Azea’s wrists, then yanked her forward to bind her wrists to her ankles. And since it flew, with another word, it lifted her off the ground and zoomed her into The Magical Rooster.

  I followed the rope and the witch to the back room and set her down against the wall.

  Azea sniffed and blinked away tears. “How could you do this to me?”

  “Quite easily.” I crouched before her. In truth, part of me did feel bad. I could never imagine living with the helplessness and, worse, the tedium of a normie.

  That was why I had stolen the Stone and fled before Ram could ever use it.

  “Ramrod is on the way,” Azea threatened.

  I knew that already. Even if Azea hadn’t found me, the moment I used a curse—my specialty—his Night Compass would track me.

  I should never have given him the Compass after stealing it from Gerasa.

  “Let Ram come. I’m ready.” I was lying. With Ram on the way, the only thing I could do was flee. He had nearly killed me the last time I’d fought him.

  Azea snorted. “He’ll rip your throat out and use it to summon a demon to shit on you. If Alyssa doesn’t get to you first.”

  I tensed to hold my blank expression and hide my surprise. Alyssa and I had been like sisters until Ram went too far and I betrayed our gang. She would never forgive me; she had always been in love with Ram.

  “He’s put a bounty on your head. The first to kill you has their pick of items from his vault.”

  I quirked a brow, unable to stop the show of surprise this time. Ram loathed to give up any inch of power. He must really hate me if he was giving a piece of his strength away for a chance to piss on my grave.

  “Bring the entire gang. I’ll take them all at once,” I lied. “Violently, I mean. Not sexually. I could do that with grace, but I’m not interested.”

  I dug through Azea’s pockets. No wallet, no amulet. Just a packet of gum and a cell phone. I muttered a spell to smash it to dust. If Ram and the gang were going to corner me, it wouldn’t be from a fucking find my phone app.

  Of course, they were coming anyway. Ram knew where I was because I had just used dark magic for the first time in years—except for a forgetting spell on Violet. But that had been too small for the Night Compass to sense.

  “Juniper,” Azea said in a soft tone that made me meet her gaze. “Why did you leave us?”

  My heart nearly cracked from her words. Fuck, I should know better by now. “I had badass things to do.” Like no longer helping a madman control the world’s magic.

  Ram claimed he kept the world safe because people couldn’t be trusted with power. He had a point; people sucked. But he couldn’t be trusted with power either. I wasn’t going to live in a world where Ram stole magic and doled it out in scraps to people who kissed his ass.

  “Will…will you give it back?”

  I knew she meant her magic. I had no idea how to give it back, but I wasn’t going to admit that. “When you stop trying to kill me.”

  As though on cue, the front door of my ship opened and the greeting dildos sang out their welcome tweets.

  My blood ran cold, and my magic pounded against the inside of my skull to be let free.

  Azea chuckled. “The gang is here. You’re fucked.”

  Chapter 2

  I marched to the front of my shop with my hand glowing with purple fire as a curse rose to my lips. The dark power flared in my blood like a cock heating a vampire’s pussy.

  This was one reason I had lost the will to fight for Ram’s cause—not for what my enemies might do to me, but for what I did to them.

  Technically, the only difference between light and dark magic was how you used it. Most witches started neutral, trained in acceptable light magic, and maybe dabbled in the dark arts with the help of amulets.

  Not me.

  Dark magic came easy, too easy. Katarina, my older half-sister, said it was as though the ancient symbols for dark powers were etched on the inside of my skin, seared into my bones. The same as it was for her and for many witches of our line. It was why curses came to my lips unbidden, the words automatic like the familiar moves of a dance.

  That wasn’t a bad thing, she insisted. It just meant I had to be careful.

  I stormed into the front of my shop, ready to smash Ram’s people before they could even utter the start of a curse.

  The young woman by the doorway glanced around the sex shop with wide hazel eyes. She twirled her blonde hair around her index finger.

  Shit. Shit.

  She wasn’t one of Ram’s people. I had seen her around town. She was friends with Jen who worked in the shop. Magnolia, Jen had called her when showing me photos of them together.

  I bit my lip to cut off the curse that had started to flow. Yanking on my magic, I bottled it back up inside my chest. It pounded against my ribs, wanting out, wanting to strike. She could be an operative for Ram or a rival gang. I had been one many times.

  But the security dildos that fluttered above the door had calmed. The glass ones in the window stopped shaking. She was an innocent local.

  And I had been a second away from killing her.

  “Help—” Azea started to shout. I flicked a finger, and her voice choked off as a ball gag—also spelled for sexy magical fun—jammed into her mouth.

  Magnolia’s eyes widened. “What was that?”

  “I have a visitor in the back.” In more ways than one. “Welcome to The Magical Rooster.”

  This was a terrible time for a customer, but I didn’t need anyone noticing Azea, Ram, and their schemes. If no one had seen my fight, then best to pretend like this was a normal day. Then I could quietly skip town without anyone noticing or asking.

  I forced myself to smile. “We’re North America’s premier seller of magical sex toys. How can I help you?”


  Now that my magic was bottled up, Magnolia didn’t look like a threat. She was a common sight at The Magical Rooster. A young person in need of pleasure but nervous to ask. Folks like her were one of the reasons I crafted magical toys.

  The best way to handle their anxiety was to talk about cocks and pussies as the normal and lovely things they were.

  “Let’s start with the basics, something easy and simple and perfect for a young lady. A vibrator.”

  “Hmm, I was just looking for Jen,” Magnolia said, taking a hesitant step toward me. “I’m her roommate. She said she had something for me, but I didn’t think she was talking about a….” Her eyes widened as they landed on a shelf of butt plugs.

  I tried not to think about the one in my ass that apparently held the magic of a very skilled witch. “Those are one of our bestsellers: the self-cleaning and sterilizing butt plugs. They come with a variety of decorations on the ends, including jewels and constellations—the Orion and Polaris are quite popular. We have a wide range of options to make your asshole look lovely while prepping for a good hard fucking.”

  Magnolia blushed. Okay, maybe she was a beginner.

  “Also popular are the cunnilingus panties. They hug the labia and clit and massage the entire pussy. They’ve been selling very well thanks to Sapphire’s testimony that she spent three days in bed with it. Would have died of dehydration if she wasn’t a vampire.”

  Magnolia took another step toward me, her gaze roaming around the shop. As she browsed, I eyed the door to the storeroom and strained my ears for any signs of trouble. Silence. So far.

  Magnolia paused before the shelf of realistic dildos.

; “Those come in a variety of sizes,” I said. “Is this your first? You might want to start with a smaller one and work your way up.”

  Magnolia nodded. “Jen said my dates are disasters because I’m too tense and I need to relax. Maybe a vibrator or the panties would take the edge off my pre-date jitters?”

  “Hell, with a good vibrator and pussy-eating panties, you won’t need a date.” I came around the counter. “Let’s start with an average-sized cock that can vibrate or not, depending on your mood that day.” I picked one off the shelf and showed it to her. This one wasn’t magical, but she seemed nervous. Something basic would help get her into the pussy pleasing groove.

  “I…umm…this is awkward. Are they always that big?”

  “They come in smaller options.” I placed that one down and picked up a thinner dildo. “Will this be your first cock—dildo or otherwise? If so, it’s good to start off a bit smaller so it’s less painful for your first time.” And less painful than a magic butt plug flaring in your asshole.

  The door opened and the flying dildos sang their welcome song as they swooped on gossamer wings. I tensed. The magic flared in my chest, and the Scourge Stone flared warm in my ass, ready to strike again.

  “Hello there,” a man called, stepping inside and removing his sunglasses. He was covered from head to toe in a Silver Springs Police Department uniform. He wore long sleeves and a pair of black gloves. A matching SSPD hat was pulled low over his eyes.

  Magnolia backed away toward the door. “I ummm…don’t know. Maybe I’ll think about it.” She took another step back.